Our experts


Creative Director

Arun Chaudhary

Arun Chaudhary is a filmmaker working in politics. He was the first Official White House Videographer, a position created for him at the beginning of the Obama administration, after being a key member of his 2008 election campaign. In 2016 he was Bernie Sanders’ digital creative director, supervising the video and graphic production for his insurgent Presidential campaign and helping craft content strategy.

Internationally Chaudhary has worked in Kenya, Aruba, Mexico, Kosovo, and most recently helped Italian candidate for the European Parliament, Caterina Cerroni, in her remarkable campaign in the Southern Collegio.

He has been profiled by the New York Times, the BBC, National Journal, Politico, Fortune, and many political websites, and led a Frog design mind seminar at NYU with Fast Company's Ellen McGirt. He lives in Berlin, Germany, with his wife, son, daughter and four cats.



Co-founder | CEO

Jessica Shearer

Jessica Shearer is the co-founder and CEO of Social Changes, a boutique consulting agency that brings cutting-edge campaigning strategies to progressive causes around the world. Her campaign abilities are often sought after to turn around tough, even “unwinnable” campaigns, having been successful in flipping swing districts and implementing creative strategies to support the world’s leading progressive political leaders. She was also part of President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, directly managing 290 labor organizers on the ground, and was a key manager in MoveOn’s successful effort to help flip the US House of Representatives in 2018. Jessica’s expertise - and her passion - lie in confronting societal inequalities by tackling political representation.

Building off her professional experience in finding new leaders and helping them build successful campaigns from the ground up, she also co-founded a non-profit association whose mission is to propel promising women and underrepresented political leaders into greater power - making them and their ideas impossible to dismiss.


Co-founder | Managing Director

Kate Dunham

Kate is the co-founder and Managing Director of Social Changes, a mission-driven political consultancy that for the last six years has focused on progressive fights in Europe. Through Social Changes, in partnership with the Center for American Progress Action Fund, she is spearheading the Field Fellowship program.

Previously, she spent 12 years in management and consulting roles with U.S. and international civil society and advocacy organizations, working on issues including forced labour and supply chain transparency, women's rights, and refugee resettlement. Kate holds a Master’s in Public Administration from NYU Wagner.


Team Builder

Daraka Larimore-Hall

Daraka Larimore-Hall is an organizer, educator, and political activist based in California. Daraka was elected Vice-Chair of the California Democratic Party with 84% of the vote.

Daraka is an expert at three things: team building, political parties, grassroots mobilizing. Daraka is a veteran of the historic grassroots campaigns of Dean, Obama and Bernie Sanders as well as dozens of local and statewide elections.

Larimore-Hall’s focus and expertise is on updating the strategies parties and unions use to develop a grassroots base by making the switch to “big organizing” on all levels. He’s been training trainers and organizers to win campaigns in Europe and the U.S. for the last 20 years.


Strategic Advisor

Annie Weinberg

With over 18 years of experience in progressive organizing, elections, and advocacy campaigns, Annie is a campaign strategist, coach, advisor, writer, trainer and speaker who supports both movement organizations and candidates and their campaign teams in running values-driven, electorate-expanding, people-powered operations towards a more just, reflective democracy. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, the Nation, ABC, and MSNBC; to date, she has partnered with over 632 campaigns.

Whether that means electing transformative leaders up and down the ballot across the U.S. and Europe; driving cultural and narrative shifts around racial, environmental, and economic justice; or winning issue advocacy campaigns for real legislative and policy-based power for working people – Annie helps leaders and organizations invest in strong, conversation-based organizing at scale, get rooted in expansive voter targeting models, and build innovative, strategically aligned programs around clear, shared, powerful theories of change.