Critical support for crucial candidates
As politicians, your job is to speak to people. This is the principle that drives our collaboration with candidates – and it works.
Over the dozens of progressive local, regional, and national campaigns we’ve engaged in across Europe, we’ve helped candidates effectively tell the story of who they are, and how they can use politics to help people solve the problems affecting their day-to-day lives.
Our candidates–who are often from the margins (e.g., young, female, working class) and not expected to do well–consistently over-perform vote expectations, and several have been propelled into national prominence by their compatriots.
Our support to candidates centers narrative but encompasses all aspects of campaignings–from content creation, to field, digital ads strategy, media coaching, and more. We’ve also developed step-by-step campaigning tools that candidates can use on their own and with their teams. And we can help parties with the critical process of identifying and assessing talent, helping them bring in and train up new candidate profiles that can attract key voters.
Turning goals into narratives and stories into movements
Colors and fonts won’t get you where you need to go. Neither will a cool logo. They won’t hurt, but you need the right narrative!
Narrative is telling the story of your mission over time–by delivering the right messages, to the right people, using the right messengers, at the right time. Real people, working people, are too smart and too sick of politics for one simplistic repeated message. Again and again we see campaigns that win by addressing the issues of the present, redressing wrongs of the past, and looking forward to a vision of the future under one consistent frame.
Social Changes helps campaigns and candidates tell stories that center people and street level problems. We provide narrative frames; create content that advances those narratives–including branding, videos, ads, and social media posts; help identify and coach messengers; and build effective, audience-first distribution strategies.

Unleashing the Blue Wave
Members of the Social Changes team managed the federal program for MoveOn’s 2018 midterm election campaign.
This blue wave campaign flipped 40 seats and elected more women and people of color than any election in history. To support our groundbreaking Real Voter Voices video campaign, MoveOn became the largest GOTV purchaser of Facebook ads.
Igniting historic change
Jessica directed 290 staffers from all nine top battleground states during Barack Obama’s historic 2008 election campaigns. These leaders built state leadership teams, wrote campaign plans, targeted voters, recruited volunteers, and executed the largest door knocking campaign in US history.
Bringing cutting edge digital strategy to the European left
Currently, we advise and train progressive movement leaders from Austria, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France.
Fighting fake news
The manipulation of social media is increasing hate and racism at a scale and speed the world has never seen.
We’re fighting back with a global campaign to cut off the revenue sources of the far right, as well as running corporate and legislative campaigns that return regulatory power to the people.